HSE Community Games Healthy Events Awards 2012
The HSE Community Games is delighted to invite CG Areas around the country to participate in the
“Healthy Events Awards 2012”.
March Dates*:
22nd March – Limerick 22nd March – Derry
29th March – Sligo
29th March – Dublin
April Dates*:
11th April – Monaghan/Cavan 11th April – Kerry
12th April – Galway
12th April – Laois
28th April – Athlone
How does it work? Areas will be invited to attend “Healthy Events Seminars” around the country in March and April 2012 (dates above). The 3 hour seminars will cover the planning of Healthy Community Games Events, and will include the topics of sun safety, nutrition, physical activity, mental health and substance use (tobacco, alcohol and drugs).
Who can apply? Two or more volunteers from an area can attend a seminar. Once 2 or more have attended they are then free to participate in the Awards process.
What do I have to do? To apply for the award, an area must make their events more health promoting. A comprehensive list of ideas to improve events will be provided. Areas may choose their own ideas too. At least 10 actions must be planned in order to enter the competition (a minimum of 2 per topic). The more actions you choose the better your chances of winning. The improvements in events will be carried out between April and August 2012.
How will it be judged? Areas must submit substantiation that the actions have been carried out on or before 30th September 2012. We encourage creative ways to provide this – include photographs, short videos & vox pops as well as written materials. Judging will be based on the evidence provided, so the more evidence provided the better!
What if my area is small? Size of area, number of volunteers and participants will all be taken into consideration by the judges– so it doesn’t matter if you’re a small area with few participants – you’re as likely to win as a large area with lots of volunteers. There are 3 categories of awards – small, medium and large. Future sustainability of the actions carried out will be considered by the judges.
What’s the prize? €200 will be awarded to the areas judged to have made the most effort to improve health promoting aspects of their events. Please note, a maximum of 3 awards (one in each category) can be awarded to each county. In addition there will be awards for the top areas: Gold – €1,000, Silver – €600 and Bronze – €400. Winners of the Healthy Events Award with have their Health Promoting Events showcased at a National HSE CG event.
To book in for the training dates above please visit
http://bookwhen.com/hsecg-healthy-events or contact 01- 6251180