‘Putting Practice based Research into Action’
What: European Congress of Adapted Physical Activity 2012
When: May 6th-8th 2012
Where: The Malton hotel, Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland
The focus of the conference will be the presentation of research and case studies which can inform day to day practice in relation to the inclusion and empowerment of people with disabilities. The conference will also include presentations relating to projects and programmes which improve service delivery in adapted physical activity. Knowledge gained from successful research and case studies can guide future service delivery in the area of APA.
Conference themes include:
1. Adapted Physical Education
2. Adapted Physical Activity
3. Disability sport
4. Rehabilitation
Call for Abstracts
If you have in-depth knowledge or experience in the areas of APA, APE, Rehabilitation or Disability Sport submit an abstract to present at EUCAPA 2012. You can present through oral or poster presentation, a practical session or a short video. Closing date for submission of abstracts is Thursday, December 15th 2011.
Promote the Conference
The Conference Organising Committee has developed a range of promotional tools to help spread the word about the conference. Place our widget on your website to effortlessly share the latest conference news, send an electronic Save the Date postcard to communicate conference essentials, or place a pre-developed conference advertisement in your company or organisation’s upcoming newsletter.
For the latest conference information, please visit our website at www.eucapa2012.eu
If you have ideas or suggestions you would like to share with the Conference Organising Committee, please send them to:
Linda Raymond
Conference Coordinator
Email: eucapa2012@ittralee.ie
Phone: (+353)667145646
Find out more at : http://www.eucapa2012.eu